Hello all!
A Thought:
An Archbishop once said "God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us."
Lately God has been teaching me this lesson. When I think of people of God, I tend to only see their strengths. When I look at my self I tend to only see my weaknesses. Over the past month I had been struggling with not feeling worthy of this calling on my life. I have all these flaws. Why would God want to send me? What can he do through me?
When I expressed this to some one close to me, they simply said, "You are a daughter of God."
Wow! There is so much truth in those six words. I am worthy simply because I am a daughter of God. As for my flaws......well God used a man in the bible to show me that it is not about being perfect but about making God our all.
The man's name is Daniel. We all have heard about this guy. When I used to think about him I always thought he was this big super hero! But now my view of him has changed.
I decided to read through the whole book of Daniel, asking God to show me what he wanted me to learn. As I began to read, it was as if God was revealing to me what was betweeen the lines.
First God showed me how humble Daniel was. He did not want the glory but always gave the glory to God. As I begin to see the humbleness in Daniel's life, a thought entered my mind. It was that Daniel became humble through lessons learned. That just blew me away. I always thought that Daniel was Daniel his whole life. That he never went through any tough times, but was just perfect. Not true, or else we would all be perfect. To me that was so freeing.
Another thing I noticed was that Daniel prayed three times a day, every day. I often wish that I could have that dedication. And it is possible. Daniel made God a priority and so must I. I just need to figure out how that looks in my life.
The third thing that stuck out to me was that Daniel was highly esteemed in heaven. Words can not even describe the wonder or the awesomeness of that! Am I esteemed in heaven? I don't know that I will ever know that answer to that question, but my desire is to be esteemed by the Lord. I know I can rest in the knowledge that I am esteemed by my father in heaven and so are you!
Our Father has blessed me with a wonderful job! I love it! My managers have really affirmed me there and from time to time tell me i am doing a good job! I can honestly say that if I leave here in a bad mood, it is like God lifts it when am there.
I have officially been commissioned and have sent out letters of support. God has really blessed me with wonderful people at home who are working on fundraising. On top of that people in my simple church group are also planning to do a fundraiser! When I look at the big number I need to raise I feel overwhelmed and then I remember how faithful God is. I have never been in want.
Once when I needed some money, God not only gave me what I needed, but 4 times that! Lets praise his name! God bless!