Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Day Celabration!

Station 1 of the cross. We Spent the time here worshiping and singing.
 For Easter CNM (Columbus network of micro churches) met here at the Oikos. We did the stations of the cross, but made it fit for us. It was really awesome!
Station 2- For the children. We read a story and allowed the Children to share anything they wanted to. The cross was at their height and we all sat on the ground.

Station 3- Confession. We passed around oranges and peeled them and through then on the compost pile to symbolize confession. It was really good. It was a time for me to give up control of my life.

Station 4- We did a reading called the vespers office.

Station 5- We looked at a garden, noticing the old, new, and dormit growth. We then planted onions symbolizing new seeds planted. Onions also represent the strength of a seed planted weather good or bad cause onions are so strong tasting.
Station 6- Here we took communion.
Station 7- Here the fountain was running symbolizing the Holy spirit. We just spoke Prayers of Thanks and Praise. This was one of the coolest Easters I have had! It was a great reflection time.                 
Oikos Easter! We had a blast! Yummy food and tons of candy!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the giving up of control...That's what I so strongly desire! Thank you for verbalizing that.

    Beautiful picture of the fountain by the greenery, by the way. I really like that.

    Waving and smiling,

