Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wind storm of the Holidays!

Dear readers,
The pigeon has landed. This is the latest news she has brought.

This Christmas was a nice Christmas.
The weather cooled down noticeably, but it was still considered hot. Getting into the spirit of Christmas was slightly difficult considering the hot weather and that no one in Thailand really celebrates Christmas. People still work and students still go to school. Christmas decorations are difficult to find. Any kind of celebration if there is a celebration is just a time for friends to get together and drink. This of course makes sense due to the fact that Christmas is a christian Holiday and less then 1% of the population is christian. 
 On the 21st a Christmas party was held for all of our thai friends! There was much Joy and merriment! Pizza and KFC were a big hit, as well as the chocolate peppermint truffle. We played several games which filled the house with laughter. Gifts were also exchanged and the Christmas story was acted out. I was able to invite 4 of my friends to come. All had a very good time and wanted to come to any parties we have in the future. :)
On the 24th a team Christmas party was held. We had appetizer type foods and shared reflections of Christmas.
           As I listened to other people's reflections I thought about Christmas and what it meant to me. Then it struck me. In November the reach team came to Thailand and is staying at JP Mansion where I am at. Since they came I have noticed a change in relationships. One relationship that  I thought was lost was reforged. Several others grew deeper. I thought if their presence did this at Jp mansion, what did Jesus's presence do here in this world. I felt like the world was able to take a deep breath and let it out. Now there was hope, a chance for man kind to be redeemed. The impossible had just been made possible. The bridge was reforged. Now everything clicks together. I may never see reproducing churches here, or any of my friends accept Jesus. But I can show people Jesus. I know they can see him. I invite you to reflect on how you can show Jesus to people.

On the 25th the room mate, Anabel, and I slept in and had a special breakfast of egg sandwiches. A Christmas movie was watched and gifts exchanged. It was a nice relaxing day. It the evening a random dance party was held. It was the coolest thing since sliced cheese! It was so good to let loose and go crazy... well not to crazy! haha

New Year eve came faster then anyone could have thought. One of my friends invited me to go home with her. We left the 28th and arrived there that afternoon. Her home is in a small village about an hour or so outside of Bangkok. It was so nice to get of of the big city. For the first time ever since I was in Thailand, I can say I was cold with out the use of a fan or AC. Her family is a lively bunch of ladies and men. I have never seen so many little old ladies with voices loud enough to bust ear drums! I am sure you can imagine my amusement. The days there consisted of making and eating food, parties, playing with kids, and visiting watts.

I helped to make some Thai sweet candy like thing. In the middle was an ovel of a dry dough, that was dipped in an egg yoke mixture and boiled. It was yummy! We also made noodles and grilled pork with soup. I had the opportunity to try pigs tongue. It was actually very good.

The parties consisted of dancing, musical chairs, and drinking lots of coke. Everyone was so worried about me not having anything to drink, that they kept my cup filled to the brim! I have come to realize that I am not much of a public dancer. Here in Thailand it is ok though cause people just dance however they want. I think they were just happy I got up and danced. :)

Visiting watts was very interesting. I went along to observe. It began with my friend offering flowers and burning incense while praying to a golden Buddha. They then moved to a place where they sat and confessed all their sins. Monks prayed over them. After confessing was done a blanket was pulled over them to symbolize death and removed for new life. After words my friend got her future told. It was really interesting, he not only told her her future, but some of her past, and present. And it was all right on the spot. My friend asked me if I wanted him to tell me mine, but I decided it would be better to trust God then to know what would happen. While I was there I did not feel a heaviness, but an emptiness. Everything they did was for naught. It felt like such a wast. 

While my experience was great to see thai culture and meet my friends family it was also very hard. The second day I was there I missed my family alot. My friends family was alot like mine, teasing each other and making food together. I had no one I could really communicate clearly with. I had no one to share jokes with. In thai most of my jokes just don't translate... well I guess in English they don't really either, but still. haha There were no other foreigners in the area, so every where I went I got stares and comments. I think the hardest thing was that I was the only believer there. I have learned that there is a reason that the Bible says "20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." -Matt 18:20. You need some one to have your back, to pray for you when you need it it, for you to help them up when they fall.

This time has brought me to think about the future and what I am going to do. How will I be supported spiritually? Mentally? Physically? Where will I live and work? 
I must choose daily to fight worries and fear with trust and truth. It is an up hill fight, but God is faithful. He is always with me. While I was there he loved me through children, he spoke to me through the stars in the night sky, and he comforted me with a blanket. While I felt far from him, he was fully present with me. Praise God for being so good!
Until next time folks! God bless!  



  1. Praise God! This is the song of my new gospel album I got to christmas. I love dancing alone in my room while listening to this encouraging music!
    I love reading your blog, it makes me feel a bit nearer to you!
    I wish you a wonderful start for the new year and may God guide you as he always did to find new strength and clearness.
    I pray for you my friend! Holding your back spiritually <3
    I miss you!

  2. What a great post Dani! I really love your incite on Christmas. So glad to see pictures and hear about how great your doing. You're right, God is good, always and forever. Be blessed sister, and keep that inner child taken care of. She's great!!! love
