I am officially a student at KBU (kasem Bundit University). I have studied for 2 weeks now, so I have a pretty good idea what class are like. I study 6 days a week, morning and afternoon. I am taking 7 subjects. Most classes are 4 hours long. I usually study 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. All my classes but one class are begginer classes. That means we study all the basic stuff like the alphabet, writing correctly, basic speaking and reading, and the phonology of speaking thai. For me it is kinda boring because I am past basic level, however i have to take these classes. I figure it will be a easy A and a good review. My other class is a higher level class. Normally 3 or 4 year students study it. But my advisors thought I should try it since I know so much. I enjoy this class alot. It is challenging, but good for me. The reading is the hardest part. Thai uses a different word system for writing then speaking, so understanding the meaning is hard some times. I do understand when the teacher speaks. I am gonna give it my best and hope I do well! I am lucky enough to have a thai friend that likes to help me do my homework. :)
It is hard studying 6 days a week. By the end of the week I am worn out, but I have been trying to protect Sundays as my day of rest. I also do not get alot of homework. So the evenings are restful.
One thing that is different about studying here in Thailand is that students must wear a uniform. It consists on a white button up shirt, and black pants, or skirts for girls. There are 2 kinds of skirts, straight or pleated. They come in different lengths. I like the ones that come to the knees. We are also required to where a belt and pin that come from KBU. You are allowed to wear any kind of shoes as long as they are nice. NO FLIP FLOPS! haha Everyone thinks it is great that in America you can wear whatever you want.
All of my class mates are Chinese. Most can not speak thai and only a little English. So I think maybe I will try to learn some Chinese. haha I know a little already! They are going to teach me how to cook chinese food! I love Chinese food! It is so good, much better then in the states.
There are 4 sexes here at KBU. Boys, Girls, Ladyboys, and Toms. Ladyboys sleep in the boys dorm but wear the girls uniform. Toms are girls that want to be boys. They sleep in the girls dorms and dress as a boy. The other day I saw a girl that I am sure was a boy the day before. haha It has become an everyday thing here.
I have offically began to hand wash my clothes. For any of you who have done this, you know how hard it is. The man who invinted the washing machine knew what he was doing. I wish I had enough sence to use it. haha Actually, the clothes get cleaner if I hand wash them, so I do. The first time I did it, it took me 3 hours to finish the clothes. It was awful. But now I am quicker. I only take 2 hours. haha ;)
My room mate it great! I can trust her completely. She is really sweet. She is very patient. I feel kinda bad for her cause she has to deal with my mess. If you came into out room you know where the thai is and where the American is. haha
In the evenings I spend time with my friends, mostly with a girl named rabbit. We go eat, to the market, and shopping together. I also do homework and Iron my clothes. Let me just talk about ironing clothes. It is the hardest thing ever. It took me 30 minutes just to do one shirt. You have to get all the creases just so. I think I will make a lousy house wife. haha I don't like cleaning, it takes me hours to wash clothes, and I can not iron worth a dime. haha I am ok at cooking, great at making messes, and excellent at keeping the couch warm. ;) haha
Spiritually things are going ok. It is hard not to have another believer to encourage you daily. I try to be intentional about my times with God. It is hard, and full of distractions. I am finding that God finds other ways to help me. Like being with a good friend, or providing a bible study just when I need it. I do ask that you keep praying that I can stay strong and focused on why I am here. I am struggling with home sickness alittle. If you see my family give them a hug for me. I am ready to see them all. They have been a good support to me. Gee I miss them.
Thank you all for your prayers and Thoughts. I love hearing from you!
Love from Danielle!
Here is what the uniform looks like. This is on Campus.
We miss you too pretty girl!
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