Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Bubble Bath For My Soul!

Have you ever had a bubble bath? The warm water is flowing. You poor some bubbles in the water and watch them foam up. Then you light some candles and play some soothing music for atmosphere. You climb in and Ahhhhhh you let the warm water run over you and just relax.
Last night I had a bubble bath for my soul. My room mate and I turned down all the lights, lit some candles, and soaked in God's words to us. We listened to a Cd called Prophetic Soaking by Graham Cooke. This Guy was supposed to teach on this, but instead he spent his whole time prophesying! It was so awesome! I want to share what the Lord spoke to me. May it speak to you also!
Look to me, I give you Favor, Ask, Knock
I will teach you how to make requests to get yes.
I want you to dream, dream about your significance, I am dreaming about you.
You will want what I want for you.
I am intentional. My intentionality will be come your identity.
Be transformed.
You will inherit through your dreams.
I will teach you how to work hand in hand with the Holy Spirit.
You will know who you are in me for I shall proclaim your identity.
Be at peace.
Let the weight be washed away.
This is for you for you are my delight.
I am confident in my ability in myself about you that I take pleasure in what you are not. I have designs on you. I can and will change you from one degree of glory to another.
I will push you into my spirit, I will teach you take your problems into a deep place of rest, and drown them!
You are the beloved of God.
I want you to learn to depend on me to bless you. I bless you because it delights me.
Occasionally I laugh at you because you are funny.
I love your life. I love who you are and I love your struggles.
Learn to live like a much loved child.
Enjoy the journey.
I am going to please myself in your life.
You will come to a new place of prayer and requesting.
The Enemy will fight. He is like a sheep dog, though he does not see it, driving you to a deeper place.
The Prince of this world has NOTHING on me!
My God loves me. He can not move me. I am highly favored.
You must think form your heart, not your head.
You are my Great love, My beloved! See your self like that!
Expect my favor and desire. You are the one.
Be astonished, marvel, and wonder. Expect Favor.
I will train you to receive fullness.
I will prove my desire for you.
Refuse negativity, Stand in your problems and find my desire.
Seek, Ask, Knock, Find
You are Deeply deeply loved! My heart is full towards you!
Do not be governed by the past, this is a new day.
It is time to live a life overwhelmed by me. Increase your response, say yes!
It is about me pleasing my self in your life!
You are the seed of heaven, I will plant you. I am training you for heaven.
You enter by my permission, not by your performance!
This is so sweet! God has been leading me more and more in to soaking time with him. What a relief this is all about him and that he wants to please himself! Eash, that is so good! May these words bless and free you. May the inspire and bring you closer to the Lord Almighty who is now and forever!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Blast for the Past!

This is Lueng, Geat, Faa, and Dow! My Thai Family!
So as most of you know I went to Thailand for 9 months around a year ago. While I was there I met a family. This Family became my family away form home. While I was there we were able to invite them to some bible studies. Geat, the mom, showed real interest in the Bible. It was awesome. I had high dreams for her. Unfortunately we had to leave much too soon. Then the next team went to Thailand. They continued the relationship with them and studied the Bible alot. Now I have just heard this exciting news! This is form a lady on the field.
Yesterday our Bible study was really informal (TV going, kids running in and out, Geat cooking :)... she wanted to know more about the woman caught in adultery. She really seemed impressed by the words of Jesus. Tom also told her about the verse about removing a speck from some one eles's eye with a plank in your own eye. She really seemed to get it!
Geat also recently asked a friend about baptism and how often we do it!
Praise God! When I was over in Thailand I received a vision of Geat running to Jesus laughing! And now I am beginning to see it fulfilled! This is so cool! God is so good! May God's will be done in Thailand and the family's hearts!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The hobbit party

Ale All Around!!!
To make us feel smaller most of us ate with big bowels and spoons or baby spoons and bowels!
Mrs. Tweedy!

Here is the party scene as a reporter saw it.
The party scene was quite homey and cozy, typical of all hobbit's homes. The honerable Mrs. Tweedy (myself) hosted this jolly afair. Mrs. Tweedy out did herself this time. The table held a schrumpous lental soup. Fresh bread and a finely aged cheese accoumpied the soup. And of course the party was nicly rounded off with the finest Ginger Ale you could find! The mood was set with nice hobbity music. There was much laughter and plenty of Ale to be had! Speeches were made and songs were sung! Indeed this was a jolly time.