Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello All!
Wow it is a New Year all ready!
I wanted to share with you all how God worked this holiday season.
For me this year getting in the holiday spirit was next to impossible. I bought a Christmas tree and some decorations hoping it would help. But as I put them up all I could think about was home and how lonely I felt. My Friends tried to cheer me up saying we will do something special. I even thought that I would try to make some rice crispy treats in my room, though I changed my mind on that. (My cooking adventures in my room always end badly.) So I sat my self  down and thought about what I really wanted this year. 
I really anted to be with family. So I prayed and asked God that he would make it possible for me to have Christmas dinner with my Thai family and provide the money for that as well. Needless to say I was not very hopeful. My Thai Family are especially busy and I had no idea where I would ever get the money. 

We had a Christmas party for all our Thai friends the Sunday before Christmas. Lots of people showed up. We had Thai, Chinese, Philippine, Nicaraguan, and American people there. It was a great time of eating, playing games, reading the Christmas story, and being together. At one point I was able to talk to P'Geat (the mom) and ask her if it would work to meet on Christmas. She said she would have the girls miss some extra studing and come. My Heart leaped in the air! One big hurddle was just jumped... now for the next. 
Sitting around waiting to eat!

They got a rabbit!

Thing 1 and Thing 2
Christmas tree!!

Not sure wat is going on...but i think it is funny.

Christmas eve morning I was sitting on my bed just looking around my room in thought when I saw all my extra coins I had. I decided to count them up. As I began to count I got more and more excited!!! The axact amount I prayed for was there!!! Wow! God worked it all out! The people could come. I had enough money! I was getting excitied! 

Christmas Eve the team had a small meal togeather. It was alot of fun just hanging out and talking and eating good food. 

 Nicaraguan style Rice and Beans

My Team!

Christmas day came. I had class so I dressed in my uniform and went off. My class was a cooking class so because it was christmas we got to make cookies. I love baking cookies...but these were the worst cookies I have ever made in my life. Even now when I think of them I shudder. They turned out so salty that you had to drink water after eating just one! How that happened I dont know, bacause I fallowed the recipee to a T. Christmas cookie fail. My friend Rabbit decided to try them... and loved them! She just kept eating them... until she got to the 4th cookie and then refused to eat more. hehe 

Chef Dani and the Salty Wonder cookies

Christmas Dinner with family
That evening I left to go meet the family and uncle Sari. The trip was long, hot, and I was beginning to feel like I was car sick. Finally I arrived. Everyone was so happy to see me and so glad that I came to meet them. They said that they felt like I placed importance on them and I think they felt loved. We made our way to the restaurant, ordered and began to eat. Suddenly I am beginning to think that maybe I was not car sick after all. I was in the middle of a conversation when I suddenly said, "I think I am gonna throw up." And sure enough I made it to the bath room with plenty of time to empty my stomach of anything I ate the last 3 days. 

I went back to the table feel much better, but after sitting for a few minutes I knew I needed to get home fast. I felt so bad having to leave in such a rush. The ride home never seemed so long and that night seemed even longer. I spent the next 2 days emptying everything out from my body. The only thing I drank and ate was water. I had a feaver and my body hurt so bad. Luckly I had my faithful friend Rabbit to bring me food, water, and anything else I needed. She was helpful in reminding me that I was "one sick mutt." (She always knows how to make me smile.)

Because of being sick I was not able to go on a 2 day trip to Big Mountian with some friends. I was super bummed. I was so looking forward to getting off campus and into some nature. The other down part was that most of my friends had left for home (we had a short 5 day break). I was all alone. 

Now I look back and laugh. Christmas fail. Break fail. Wonder what New Years will be like. 

New Year Eve-
I was able to get of my friends to go with me to Central World, a huge shopping mall, and where the 2013 Bangkok count down would be held. What an adventure we had!!! When we first got there we were interviewed for a TV news channel (none of us heard the lady say the channels name or number so I have no proof), but needless to say it was Awesome! The place was so crowded it was funny. We had pushing on us from all sides, at one point my friends and I just broke out laughing beacuse we were literality stuck in place. We could not go anywhere. We did get to see some action when a fight broke out... I have never seen a crowd of people move so fast in my life. The police came running in and did like a running fly tackle on all the fighters. The very best part was the fire works. I say this was God's gift to me because I love fireworks. I literately got to stand under the fireworks. When I looked up into the sky it was as if I was flying straight up! 
God is good and faithful! 

Welcome to the mass of craziness!

These are only the people behind me... there about twice that many in frount of me.

The view from above me...beautiful!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

In summery....

Hey everyone!
I first of all want to apologize for not writing an update in a very long time.
I am now studying in my second term here in KBU. I feel like the first term was very good, I learned alot but I am ready for more of a challenge. This term has been a bit hectic trying to sign up for classes. I am taking a few hotel classes, and so that has created some scheduling problems. I am learning a great deal of patience and learning that this is just the way Thailand works. My adviser wanted me to take an English class. We are talking about basic English. I went to class and with in 30 mins the teacher kicked me out. haha Not really, but she said it is a waste of time to take the class. I agree too. Some of the classes I am excited about include classes about food and hotel. When I come back  hope to major in hotel management. It is great because I get to study some with thai people. I am also taking science, law, and religion classes which are in Thai. For the most part I understand what is being said and read. I am very excited to study this term.

Ministry here in Thailand has many up's and downs. One of the main people I am working with is my room mate organ. I think when I last wrote you about her she had just asked for the holy spirit. Me and my team were so excitied about the process she had made! She was always excitied to study the bible. But then the devil came. She liked one of the people on my team alot. When he made it clear that she needed to stop her behavior because he was engaged she with drew. She has been in and out of relationships. I still ffer to study the bible with her... she always says yes. But in the end she always has some excuse as to why she can not come. We still invite her to group activities and she aalways says she will come.. but in the end she does not come. Ministry here in thailand is like this all the time. For every step you take forward the devil pushes you back 5.
It has been very discouraging for me to see this and it seems very hard to understand. She was sincere when she asked for the holy spirit.. but the devil has a way of getting in and hindering God's work.
My friend rabbit has shown no interest in God. But I know she can see him in me. She told me the other day that I was one of her only friends that was really real with her. It just lifted me up to hear that. You see, ministry here is about showing people Jesus. This country, these people have never seen Jesus. They have no or very little knowledge of who he really is. And to be able to share you must be very close to these people for them to be open to listen to what you have to say. I knew rabbit for around 5 months before she felt close enough to share about her life. This work takes time.
I am excited about meeting some new friends and reconnecting with old ones. I have meet several new Chinese students! God has blessed me with a lot of favor.

Self spiritually -
These last few months I have been struggling spiritually. They have been very hard. Being alone with little encouragement and no one to really support me was very hard. But god has been faithful to me. I learned to stop fearing what others think and focus on what god thinks. He is my judge. I have found a lot of freedom in that. Things are beginning to feel slot better here. The spiritual battle is still strong but I feel like god has given me a renewed strength.

I wanted to let you all what I am thinking as far as the future. I am hoping to come back here when school reopens. 
I have decided to change my major to hotel management because I feel like in the long run this will provide me with alot of useful tools. In the future I will be able to use this skill where ever I go. I will also learn the English that people will need to know to work in the hotel and restaurant industry. This will be helpful in teaching english. I am enjoying the class so far and and making many new friends. My classes are mostly in English... But if they are in thai I end up being a translator for my class mates. 
I am not sure of the date I will be coming home but It will be in about 4 or 5 months. It seems so close I am Very excited!!! My home assignment will include a week of re-entry, church visits, and attending some seminars. I will also have time with family and friends. I hope to use that time to get a lot Of spiritual rest and refreshment. 
As far as long term vision... I really would like to come back here to Thailand and I would love to get a degree. I would like to ask for prayer for long term vision from god.
I hope to return with rmm. I would appreciate prayer for that also. I am still in the very beginning stages of the whole process. One thing that is being talked about is if I should come back alone. I ask you to pray that god would send done one with me to work with me. 
I also hope to continue relationships with people here at kbu and I would like to see our bible study grow.
Please pray that God would continue to guide me to many people who are intrested in hearing about God. 
Thank you all so much for your love and support!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Pattaya and other news!

Hey everyone!
It has been along time since I have last written.
Alot has happened since I last wrote.
There was an international night. I had to sing a thai song called, 'Som Tam'. It is a fun little song about making papaya salad. Good experience that I am not eager to do again. I did get to dress up in a traditional Isaan (north eastern Thailand) dress! That was cool!
The president of the University also took me and some of the other international students to see and thai ballet and opera. It was cool to see.    
My University also took the international students on a trip to Pattaya. What a great experience it was! It was so good to get away form the university. I made alot of new friends! The international array of students included students coming from China (the majority), India, America, Nicaragua, and Thailand. The commutative language spoken was not English like you might think, but Thai!
Love the Boy's Terrified expression!!
At the Art Museum.
We left on an early Saturday morning and arrived in Pattaya around 2 hours latter. In the morning we went to an Art museum. It was super awesome, because it was a 3-D interactive museum. We spent hours taking pictures and becoming part of the art. At lunch time we went to a revolving restaurant. The entire building was around 57 stories high. They had a huge buffet with a variety of thai foods. It had a great view of the sea and surrounding city. The best part of this tower was the way to go down. For the people who have little love of heights or thrills there was a lovley elevator complete with a person to push the buttons for you to go down. For those who are alittle more daring, there was a sky line to ride down. Now I have to say, as much as me and my friend Anabell love thrills, we have a huge fear of heights. But we were determined not to let that get the best of us.
There were several types of skylines. We chose the one where you could go down together. Our turn can and we climed onto the ride. I should have known right off this was going to be an extravagant ride because I could not even stand strait on the lift. I have always said I have baby bearing hips, I just did not know how true that was until I got on that ride. The ride took forever to start. Now the first rule for people who have a fear of heights is to not look down. But that is the first rule I always break. It felt like the ride was at the top of that building forever, when suddenly we started. Slowly at first, and then almost as if the attendent wanted a good laugh, the ride droped around 5 feet. Yep, us girls both lost it. I screamed, and Anabell begun to pray. Oh Lord help us. over and over. I could not get over how funny this whole thing was, and I begun laughing. I laughed to hard that I started crying. I thought I was going to throw up. Just in time, we saw someone taking a picture. Both of us, stopped what we were doing and posed. When the shot was taken, we continued. By this time I was laughing so hard I could bearly get off the ride. We looked at the picture and laughed some more. I am sure the workers thought we were on drugs or something. Good memories!

Kissing the fish!
This was the pose!
One thing I should mention is that Pattaya is know for the Ladyboy shows. The most beautiful ladyboys go there to work. So In the evening we went to see a show. I have to say, it is amazing what humans can do to the body. On the outside They pretty much looked like a girl. The show was mostly of them dancing. It was fun to watch. It was also sad to see what God had created completely rejected and turned in to an object for pleasure. At the end of the show I asked one my guy friends what he thought? He said they were beautiful, but as soon as he heard the voice he just shook his head and turned away. You see they can change the outside, but the voice is a little hard to change. haha. It is crazy.

This is one of the Ladyboys.
The next day we went to the beach. We had to take a boat on a 15 min. ride to an island. I enjoyed the trip, but there were quite a few sick bunnies. The Island was beautiful! The water was Chrystal blue and the beach nice and white. It was a great time to relax and play in the water. I was sad to leave, but I hope to go back again to just relax on the beaches.

I was defiantly not ready to come back to study. Luckily that week some of my class were shortened or cancelled.

I also had the opportunity to go to a Thai funeral. P'Lung's father passed away. I went to help P'Great with the girls. (This is my Thai host family.) Normally a funeral lasts anywhere from 3 to 5days . You are allowed to wear black or white. I was really supprised at the casualness of it all. In America, you must dress up. But here sandals, shorts, and a T-shirt are fine, as long as there is some black. There are alot of things you have to do, like, feed the monks before you can eat. Or Bow and pray to the person who has died. I asked P'Great what she thought about it all, cause she is becoming a christian. She said there is too many rules and things you must do. To me she seemed to think it was all kind of silly and a wast of time. In thailand, the cremate people. The process is as fallows. They walk around the oven with the body, like a funeral prosesion 3 times. Then everyone goes and bows down to the body one last time leaving a flower on top of it. There is one last viewing and then the body is burned. I felt so sad for the man's wife. They were married for so long and now he is just gone. I can't imagine.

Nice beach!
My Thai costume!
One day I had a bible study with my roommate Organ. She wanted to study about prayer. So we studied the passage in Luke. After that we were talking and she said she wanted to receive the Holy Spirit. So I told her all we have to do is pray and ask for it. So I prayed that God would allow her to receive the Holy Spirit. Afterwords I asked her how she felt about prayer. But she understood it as me asking her to pray. I could see fear on her face, but then she just started to pray. At first it was just simple, and then suddenly her prayer took off. She started praying for people to come to know God. The Spirit of the lord was on her. She told me latter that she wants people to come to know Jesus so they can receive happiness. I asked her about baptism. She told me that she would tell me when she was ready. I could see fear in her face, and I think she is counting the cost. Praise God that he allowed this to happen. For real I felt just like Moses. I did not know how to speak or explain things, but God was still glorified.

Annabell and me!
I have a little over a month before this term is over. I am looking forward to it. I have decided to change my major to hotel management. It will be in English and I think be more useful to me. I can speak, read, and write Thai already. That has become my normal language, even to the point it can be troublesome to talk English because I forget. It is vary tiring being in another language almost 99% of the time.

There is a song called "Worn" By Tenth Avenue North. I feel like it describes me pretty well. Here are some of the lyrics.

I’m Tired I’m worn
My heart is heavy
From the work it takes
To keep on breathing
I’ve made mistakes
I’ve let my hope fail
My soul feels crushed
By the weight of this world

And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart
That’s frail and torn
I wanna know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that’s dead inside can be reborn
Cause I’m worn

I know I need to lift my eyes up
But I'm too weak
Life just won’t let up
And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
My prayers are wearing thin
Yeah, I’m worn
Even before the day begins
Yeah, I’m worn
I’ve lost my will to fight
I’m worn
                          So, heaven come and flood my eyes  

I am struggling with homesickness and lonesomeness. I have lots of friend whom I love. But they can not understand what it is like to be a foreigner or the only one who thinks like I do. God is faithful. He gives me the strength for each day. But I do ask for your prayer. I need it now more then ever.
Pray that God would give me daily strength.
Pray for Organ that the spirit would continue to move in her.
Pray for my friends, that they would see God in me.
Pray for guidance for the future. I hope to come and stay in Thailand for a long time. Pray that God would open doors, and answer prayers like never before. 
Thank you all so much! God bless! 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dry Tears

    This is something I wrote for RMM, I thought you all might like to read it to. 
    As she looked out over the horizon a hot wind blew against her face. Smoke filled her nostrils. This was truly a hot dry land. A boat's motor sounded in the distance, sputtering to life. As if it to was thirsting for a refreshing drink. Oh how she missed her father and her home. How she longed to walk beneath the great trees and feel the cool wind on her face. She thought back to those times of walking with her father. Those times where so good. Walking and talking, her father always taking time to show her every detail on the path or on a plant. His eyes danced with delight as she chased a butterfly. Those times where easy and careless.
    Another dry breeze filled her face this time the smoke stinging her eyes. Here was reality. A land that was truly dry. The father had sent her on a mission to tell others of his wonderful love. She gladly accepted. But life here was not what she thought it would be. This land was a land that was thirsty for the fathers love, but when given, completely rejected it.
    The sound of children laughing and playing echoed across the field. She smiled as she remembered the times of playing with other sons and daughters of the father. What a wonderful time they had praying and worshiping together. She grimaced as she thought about those times of not wanting to go to the meetings, rather wanting to sleep in or go off and do her own thing. Now she would give anything to have a chance to go to pray and worship with other sons and daughters.
    Oh how she longed for this dry land to be refreshed, to find truth. But at the thought of truth, the land laughed in you face. Why be true to your creator when you can be who you want. They blindly mock the father changing themselves to be beautiful or to be perfect in their own eyes. Tears slid down her cheeks. If only they would see how they are only destroying themselves. Sin runs rampantly here, even the earth it self seems to have rejected the father. Blood covers the ground and slavery runs rampant. The land is full of searchers, trying to find fulfillment in sex, money, work, and drugs. But they only feel more hungry, more thirsty. They become more desperate in their search trying to fix their wrong doings. So they turn to religion, offering gifts to false idols so they can ease their conscious.
    She sighs. What a viscous cycle. A never ending need to be fulfilled, and yet never finding the truth. A cow lows softly. She smiles as she thinks of the farmers. Good hard honest working people. They are precious in her heart, but they too fail to see the truth. They believe being a good person is enough, they find much happiness. But they lack the careless joy the father has to offer.
    Her roommate stirs softly in her sleep. She looks in the room with fondness. She thinks of the small fellowship that developed here. If only they would throw off the fullish seeking of knowledge and simply believe. Many are afraid to make the decision to fallow the father. They need more time, they need more knowledge. If only they could see it is not knowledge that the father desires, but faith. How she longs to break off Satan’s binds he has on her dear friends, and see they experience the freedom of the Father's love!
    This land is known as the land of smiles, but it is only a mask. The real mace of Thailand is desperation and seeking. Wanting to believe in something better but to scared to see it.
    Pray for Thailand. Pray for the workers here. The things I wrote here are truth. Everyday the news is filled with murders and killings. Everyday I walk to study I see lady boys, Gays, girls who have done plastic surgery, playboys all trying to find love and fulfillment in themselves and others. I see idol daily offerings to idols. I hear of prostitution and selling of drugs. The media and news is filled with it. We are called here to prepare the way for the Lord to come, but we need you all to hold up our hands in prayer. The sin and heaviness around us here can feel overpowering, but we have God as out strength. Praise God for seeing this land and declaring that he wants it for his own!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

One of my writings.

I wrote this to my dad on his birthday. I just read it and had to chuckle. I hope you all like it too!  

Today is a day.
By: Danielle Opel

Today is a day that is a day that I will do something.
That something is nothing and nothing is something and that is what Gerald did say.
He pulled up the Heap that sputtered and spat,
Quivered and tweeped, fluttered and flexed.

“Come one, Come all,” Gerald did say,
“Come on out and lets go play.
Just push the Heap up that hill,
and all the way down with what fun we shall squeal!”

So we huffed and we puffed, with Gerald at till,
 we pushed and we pulled that heap up that hill.

At the top we did stop,
and fell down with a flop.
And that is when we heard that ornery Gerald hollar.

As we looked up that heap was nowhere in sight
 For down the hill the heap went spiraling without a fight.

Gerald let out a “Yippy ii o!
Hop on board for there is no way to slow!”

So we hopped and popped to our feet
and down the hill we ran after the heap.

There stumbles and tumbles, scrapes and bruises
for he who slowed down was the one who looses.

We all jumped with great spunk into the trunk
and away the heap flew.

Faster and faster we went
 until the path was all spent.

And there in front of us arose
a big tree with considerable pose.

Those in the back we all did flee,
all except Gerald, he ran into the tree!

There was a zoom and a boom and a sputter Dee spat,
 A clash and a bang and a tire that was flat.

As we looked on quite amazed with fright,
Out flew Gerald, it was quite a sight!

He flew through the bushes, and great big weeds,
through brushes, and brambles, and right past trees.

Onward and outward, and downward he rolled,
out of sight which left us quite dreaming of old. 

So onward and outward and downward we ran
Until we found Gerald stuck like a clam.

So hurriedly we offered him a chain made of man.
Fool hardily we offered him a helping hand.

Suddenly we found ourselves all pulled in.
The water was all the way up to our chins!

As we all grumbled, sputtered and spat,
With a great big splash Gerald let out a heartfelt laugh.

“It’s hot and it’s fun,
 we all worked hard in the sun.
Come on let’s play!
Let’s not waste this day!”

So we splished and we splashed
and had many a laugh!
We sank and we swam
until it became lame.

All tired and sore
we climbed up to the shore.
We all laid asleep about to drift,
when suddenly we realized something was amiss!

Gerald was missing, not in sight.
Off with the chips, without a fight!

So we scrounged and looked, we pillaged with funk
until we saw Gerald lying by a tree trunk!

He was napping quite nicely I would like to say,
quite tuckered out by all that hard play.
So we nudged him, and budged him, and begged him to say
what had become of those delicious chips that day?

He denied he had ever seen them
Or that he had ever eaten them.
But all I can say is that he is the last one
 that had the bag that day.

We all went home tired and wet,
And without supper, went straight to bed.

And when the parents asked what we did that day, Gerald piped up, “Today was the day that was a day that I did something. That something was nothing and nothing is something. Man, I had fun today.” 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Study Abroad.

Hello All!
I am officially a student at KBU (kasem Bundit University). I have studied for 2 weeks now, so I have a pretty good idea what class are like. I study 6 days a week, morning and afternoon. I am taking 7 subjects. Most classes are 4 hours long. I usually study 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. All my classes but one class are begginer classes. That means we study all the basic stuff like the alphabet, writing correctly, basic speaking and reading, and the phonology of speaking thai. For me it is kinda boring because I am past basic level, however i have to take these classes. I figure it will be a easy A and a good review. My other class is a higher level class. Normally 3 or 4 year students study it. But my advisors thought I should try it since I know so much. I enjoy this class alot. It is challenging, but good for me. The reading is the hardest part. Thai uses a different word system for writing then speaking, so understanding the meaning is hard some times. I do understand when the teacher speaks. I am gonna give it my best and hope I do well! I am lucky enough to have a thai friend that likes to help me do my homework. :)

It is hard studying 6 days a week. By the end of the week I am worn out, but I have been trying to protect Sundays as my day of rest. I also do not get alot of homework. So the evenings are restful.

One thing that is different about studying here in Thailand is that students must wear a uniform. It consists on a white button up shirt, and black pants, or skirts for girls. There are 2 kinds of skirts, straight or pleated. They come in different lengths. I like the ones that come to the knees. We are also required to where a belt and pin that come from KBU. You are allowed to wear any kind of shoes as long as they are nice. NO FLIP FLOPS! haha Everyone thinks it is great that in America you can wear whatever you want.
All of my class mates are Chinese. Most can not speak thai and only a little English. So I think maybe I will try to learn some Chinese. haha I know a little already! They are going to teach me how to cook chinese food! I love Chinese food! It is so good, much better then in the states.  

There are 4 sexes here at KBU. Boys, Girls, Ladyboys, and Toms. Ladyboys sleep in the boys dorm but wear the girls uniform. Toms are girls that want to be boys. They sleep in the girls dorms and dress as a boy. The other day I  saw a girl that I am sure was a boy the day before. haha It has become an everyday thing here.

I have offically began to hand wash my clothes. For any of you who have done this, you know how hard it is. The man who invinted the washing machine knew what he was doing. I wish I had enough sence to use it. haha Actually, the clothes get cleaner if I hand wash them, so I do. The first time I did it, it took me 3 hours to finish the clothes. It was awful. But now I am quicker. I only take 2 hours. haha ;)

My room mate it great! I can trust her completely. She is really sweet. She is very patient. I feel kinda bad for her cause she has to deal with my mess. If you came into out room you know where the thai is and where the American is. haha

In the evenings I spend time with my friends, mostly with a girl named rabbit. We go eat, to the market, and shopping together. I also do homework and Iron my clothes. Let me just talk about ironing clothes. It is the hardest thing ever. It took me 30 minutes just to do one shirt. You have to get all the creases just so. I think I will make a lousy house wife. haha I don't like cleaning, it takes me hours to wash clothes, and I can not iron worth a dime. haha I am ok at cooking, great at making messes, and excellent at keeping the couch warm. ;) haha

Spiritually things are going ok. It is hard not to have another believer to encourage you daily. I try to be intentional about my times with God. It is hard, and full of distractions. I am finding that God finds other ways to help me. Like being with a good friend, or providing a bible study just when I need it. I do ask that you keep praying that I can stay strong and focused on why I am here. I am struggling with home sickness alittle. If you see my family give them a hug for me. I am ready to see them all. They have been a good support to me. Gee I miss them.

Thank you all for your prayers and Thoughts. I love hearing from you!
Love from Danielle!

Here is what the uniform looks like. This is on Campus.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Flash Date

Hey everyone! Here is a quickie! I made it back from Laos. My visa is all set. It is good to be back. I realized I really feel at home in Thailand.I love it here. The thing I like most about my KBU home is the evenings. I sit out with friends. We talk, sing, and, hang out. 
Everyone who was returning to America has officially returned. My new team most is Spanish speaking. I am feeling excited about being here. But it is still very hard. I am struggling alot with not being able to speak well. I can speak, and I am pretty good, but when you are with friends you realize how limited you really are. I have also had some struggles with people and my faith. Some people here think my faith is silly or I have to much faith. They tease me alot, I know they are only joking, but it is really hard some times. I ask you to pray that God would help me to stand firm in him. School starts  on June 17th. I have no idea what classes I am taking or what my schedule is. When I went to sign up for classes, they told me, on the 17th og to this class room at 10 am. Then go to the office. :) Yep, this is Thailand! haha I am ready to start. I think it will be good. Oh and just a side note, students here have to wear an uniform. So i will put up pictures of it when i get a chance! :) I would love to here from you all!

Friday, May 17, 2013

New Beginnings!

So I have been here on the KBU campus a little over a week. I have lots to tell, so I will start from the beginning! I moved on a Sunday. The night before I made sure everything was packed and ready to go! Sunday I got up and showered. I looked out side, and to my surprise I saw dark clouds. Of course it would rain, and it did! It pushed our plans back around 2 hours. The people at JP Mansion said it was because I should not go. haha I am loved there! The family and Rhonda helped me move. After a visit to the office I was able to move in. I really like my room! It is cozy. I spent most the day on Monday unpacking and getting organized. It is different living alone. Not as bad as I thought it would be. My room mate is working right now and living at home. She will come here in June when school starts. Tuesday started out really bad. I had a tough morning. I went to the office for my visa stuff and ID card. The visa stuff was not ready at all. Luckly I was able to get my ID. I then went to the bus station to buy a ticket to go to Laos for my visa . After an hour of travel and being sent to various levels of the station I found out that you can only buy the bus ticket on the day of travel. I just wanted to cry. I did not want to go back to KBU. That evening I tried to get internet, but that, too, was a fail. I was headed to my room, to recollect my self and go try to meet some people who had invitied me to play volleyball when some girls stopped me and talked to me. The invited me to go eat with them. I of course agreed. On my way to put my laptop away another group called me over. We begin talking when the group of girls who invited me to play volleyball walked by. They called me over to play volleyball. I told them sorry I could not cause some friends invited me to go eat. After going to eat with the first group of girls, I thought I would go see about meeting the volleyball girls. But on my way there, another group of people called me over and began to talk to me. I found out they were Christians. It was fun! We sat around, talked, and sang.
 I could really see God's hand in bringing me here.
I now mostly hang out with a girl named Emmy, and her group of friends. I really like them alot! During the day we go swimming and play bag-mitten( I have no idea how to spell that.). In the evening We sit out in the grass and talk!  

I have been here almost 2 weeks. I know that God has brought me here at just the right time. I think this first year here in Thailand was to prepare me for this second year. I am no longer afraid to be alone. I don't relay on people anymore to build me up. God does that now.
I don't feel like I need a boyfriend, and really enjoy being single. (There are a few guys that want to be more then friends.)
Anyway Thanks for you all being patient with me in writing this update. It took me close to a week to write it, because every time I started, some friends would come and invite me to do something. ahha, i think that is a good problem.    

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Where the Dirt Path Ends and the Pavement begians.

Life here at JP Mansion is winding down. The countdown is on, 4 days until I move into a new chapter of my life.
For those of you who don't know I will be attending Kasem Bundit University (KBU) for a year, where I will continue my study of the Thai language.
I just want you all to know that this is completely and totally a God thing. I have a great peace about and excitement about this next chapter. Here is the story.

About two months ago I started praying about what God wanted me to do this next year. I had so many questions. How would I get Work? Visa? Place to live? Spiritual Support? Basically, What the______should I do??!!! I did not feel like I was hearing God, or at least what I wanted to hear. And nothing was working out.  I did not know what to do. Finally, It was time to meet with the team leaders.
Now that I look back, I smile, and shake my head. At the meeting the first question was simply, "Dani, what are you thinking?" I shared that I wanted to stay at JP Mansion. The thing is, as soon as I said that I knew my leaders where not thinking that, and that God wanted me to do something else too. You see, during that time of praying and "not hearing God", he had been telling me to go to KBU. But I did not want to go. I like where I live and my friends are here. So I told myself I really did not hear God, or that was just me, not Him.
Well as you can imagine my leaders really felt like going to KBU would be a really good fit for me. My heart surrendered. Ok, but I won't go unless there is a natural reason for me to be there and I can find away to get a visa.
I figure God just chuckled as he finished putting the icing on the cake, and began the sprinkles. I went to visit the university and they were so excited for me to come! I started feeling good about going, and everyone on the team felt really good about me going too!
But the cherry on top is my roommate! I had not even been accepted when Nixon (a fellow team mate, who is a student there.) said that he had a friend who was looking for a roommate and he thought we would be good for each other. I was not too sure about it, as a matter of fact, for some reason I did not want to be her roommate. But I said sure. If it is meant to be, God would work it out. He worked it out. :)

She is an awesome girl. This is the best situation, really. She wants to practice English and I want to practice Thai. We are going to both help each other. She has also mentioned that if we have time she hopes we can study the bible! We met last Sunday. It was a great day! We talked (mostly thai) about all sorts of things, many of them deep.  I am looking forward to being able to pour in to her life!

I really feel like God has brought so many things together, university, roommate, and money. While I know God is totally leading me in this, there have been frustrating things. Like: communication about what I need to bring in or things I need to do. They even almost lost my application. For my Visa I have to leave the county for 2 days, by myself.     
While those things are frustrating, I can only keep thanking God. I feel like I am stepping into a field ready to hear and see the presence of God! I might be the first girl to really dwell with God there!

Fallowing God is always the best thing, it is not always easy. I will be leaving behind friends and family. It is an 1-2 hour trip, but I can come back and visit, hopefully on a regular basis. I will miss chasing Nong Dow down the hall, eating P'Great's yummy food, and meeting Lung Sarie for breakfast.
Last night Lung Sarie told me "It is good if you can go out there to fallow God, and get a visa. But my heart still hurts. Everyone is leaving. Maybe it would better if I never knew you, Rhonda, or Tom."  (All the workers are leaving this area and retuning to America, except me. Lung Sarie has been helping all of us here for the past 6 or 7 years, and now we are leaving.)

I know the life of a worker is never easy, always saying good byes. But I realize it is not easy for those left behind. Thank you all for being willing to send me and support me. Because of you and my friends here I am ready for this next chapter God has prepared for me. Thank you for being willing to be used by God in my life!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Trip Back Home

Hello everyone!
This past week was Song Kron. It is the Thai New Year. This Holiday lasts around 3 -4 days. Almost everyone has off work, and most people return home. Song Kron takes place over the hottest part of the year. Thais celebrate this time with a huge water fight.

For this holiday I went to 101 (Roy Et), the home of my host family. It is a province in the eastern part of Thailand. A normal trip with out traffic and take any where from 6 -8 hours. Our trip took 12 hours, due to the traffic. Every one was going home.

Traffic was like this almost the whole way.
We were lucky. The family was able to barrow a pick up truck to go. I got to sit in the back of the truck almost the whole way. It was alot of fun, and diffidently an adventure. At one stop we were getting some snacks in a market, when I saw green hot dogs!  P' Great asked the seller what it was, the seller said it was green tea hot dogs. I was not brave enough to try the bright green wieners, but I am sure it would have been an interesting experience!
Anabell and Me. Anabell is from Nicaragua.

At another stop Anabel and I were heading to the rest room. I saw the sign for the ladies room, but I did not see the door. So I continued to the back of the building. To my shock I realized the ladies room was diffidently not there! I think the guys standing at the urinal where just as shocked as I  was!
Needless to say, after a second of shock I turned around and headed back and was able to find the right door. :)

 I loved sitting in the back of the truck. But when night came, it became a fight for survival. Ok, that is a bit dramatic, but it was so cold! Anabell and I had a blanket, but eventually had to share just to barely keep warm. The funny thing was the only thing we could do was laugh. For some reason I thought the whole situation was entirely to funny. I loved it!

Making Breakfast in the Kitchen. 
The stove.
Derailed after along night.
We arrived at the home around 2am. But the was not much sleeping for us. We arose at and early 6:30 to go to the market. I was so derailed! After breakfast I took a bucket bath. They decided to go play water. It was alot of fun! The good thing about being a foreigner is you have lots of opportunity to get people wet, the bad thing is that they love to get you wet too! I don't mind getting wet, but it kinda wears a person down when they target you all the time.

Armed and Dangerous.
Playing water. I think we were both a little scared.
Trying to take me OUT! haha
That afternoon we went to the temple. There they ushered in the New Year. They prayed to the monks and then to the Buddha. After that, they poured water on the Buddha as a blessing. It was interesting to watch and do. But it raised questions in my mind. Is it ok to participate? What acts are cultural and what ones are religious? How do Thai Christians know what to do? It is a really difficult subject.

Grilled Pork! Yea, it was amazing! I loved it!
The next day we took a truck around to play water! That was alot of fun. I liked it alot. Driving around throwing water on people and motorcycles. Some of the people saw us and ran to safety before we could get them, others surrendered and accepted their fate. There was nothing more fulfilling then hearing the smack of water hit a passing motorcycle or the scream of children as they feel cold water run down their backs. 

Me and Dow, P'Great's daughter.
Grilled fish! Yummy!
That afternoon we again went to the temple. There they had loud music and dancing. As soon as they saw me, I was pulled in. They formed a parade walking and dancing around the village, I think in a way of blessing it. They threw water and wiped powder on faces. People loved putting powder on me. Every time I would get into a good groove to the music, another person would come powder me up. It was alot of fun. It soon became clear though, if you did not want to get wet, you should not stand beside me. :) While I loved it all, I wish I could have blended in more. Being a foreigner, or at lease a white foreigner you really stand out. It is good in some ways, but it is also hard.

That evening they played a movie at the temple. It was really cool! It was out side and the projector was really old. The man had to watch the bulbs and some times I saw smoke coming out of it. :)

The last day we were there we picked mangoes, went fishing, and relaxed. I had a great time there. I hope that some day I can go back again! P' Great said that even after we left people would come around where I was. What can I say? I make lasting impressions. :)

country side.

Rice fields in the off season.

Mangoes, when we picked them we had to watch out for red ants.

Country road.

The Fish pound.
People had red shirts hanging outside their homes to keep the ghosts away.

Going fishing! It was a big mud hole!

Dancing! The White stuff on my face was powder. 

Me and the family!

Dancing with this lady! She loved it!